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私たちは、パラモーター、パラグライダー、ハンググライダーのパイロットにとって最高の飛行コンパニオン アプリの構築を目指しています。 その目標に向けて取り組む私たちの最新ニュースをフォローし、ご意見がありましたらぜひご連絡ください。
Dec 8, 2023
Android Watch (Wear OS) Support Added!
We are excited to announce that Gaggle now supports Wear OS and all the Android watches that use it! You can now see your flight instruments directly on your Android Watch.
By Hennie Brink
Dec 7, 2023
Gaggle or FlySkyHy?
In a world where we are spoilt for choice with flying apps which one is the best for me to use? This post compares Gaggle and FlySkyHy to give you an informed opinion.
Dec 6, 2023
Taking Flight: A Beginner's Journey into Paragliding
Have you ever dreamed of soaring through the skies, feeling the rush of wind against your face while admiring breathtaking landscapes from above? Welcome to the world of paragliding, a thrilling sport that brings you closer to this dream. Paragliding is more than just a pastime; it's a way to embrace the skies, offering a unique blend of adventure, tranquility, and freedom.