Stay up to date with the latest in Gaggle
私たちは、パラモーター、パラグライダー、ハンググライダーのパイロットにとって最高の飛行コンパニオン アプリの構築を目指しています。 その目標に向けて取り組む私たちの最新ニュースをフォローし、ご意見がありましたらぜひご連絡ください。
Feb 21, 2023
Enjoy safer flights with real-time aircraft detection
At Gaggle we are always working hard to improve the app for all our pilots to make flying a better experience with every release. We are super excited to announce our latest release today with the brand new partnership and integration with SafeSky! 😃🥳✈️
By Hennie Brink
Dec 14, 2022
Apple Watch Support Added!
We are excited to announce that Gaggle now supports Apple Watch! You can now see your flight instruments directly on your Apple Watch.
Dec 2, 2022
We've updated our prices
We've updated our prices to better reflect the value we provide to our customers.